Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The lost calendar

I want someone to prove me wrong.That the Mayans weren't right and the world isn't going to end .No , I'm not saying with some big asteroid but humans ending it .When you pull out a gun and shot it you have ENDED a life .But to make it even worse you kill more than one person.You may not cherish your life but other people do.And I'm not sure who may read this but stay strong no matter what , never let anything push you to talking someone's life . xoxox


Killing.Why do people do it ? What satisfaction does it give you. To be able to walk around with you chest swelled up and say you have killed someone .EVERYONE has one life and once it's gone, I can promise you it's not coming back. But instead of solving your problems you rather take someones life .No one deserves to have their life taken over basic things.Shoes.There is more.Money.Seek help from the government .A girl/boy .Relationship ships come and go .You can't walk down a street and be safe anymore.What is this world coming to ? *R.I.P D'Lonte Days : 12/12 /1988 - 10/12 /2012 * You were took away from me , too soon .I miss and love you . I know your looking down on me and I'll make you proud big bro .<3 <3